

Woodhouse Search has successfully undertaken executive leadership searches, placing candidates in all C-suite roles, from President/CEO to COO, CFO, CTO, CMO, CHRO, and beyond.

We are adept at identifying leaders who seamlessly align with an organization's vision, values, and strategic objectives. Whether it's finding a visionary President/CEO, a strategic COO, a financially astute CFO, or other crucial C-suite roles, our approach prioritizes experience, innovation, and leadership qualities that propel organizations toward sustained growth.

In our executive search process, we meticulously assess leadership capabilities, strategic thinking, and the ability to navigate complex challenges. Woodhouse Search stands ready to collaborate with organizations across sectors, ensuring they secure dynamic and visionary executive leadership across all C-suite functions, shaping a path toward continued excellence and success.


Woodhouse Search is dedicated to advancing organizations through strategic searches for fundraising roles. Recognizing the vital importance of effective fundraising in fueling mission-driven initiatives, we specialize in placing dynamic leaders in various fundraising capacities.

We have successfully placed fundraising roles, including Chief Development Officers, Vice Presidents of Advancement, Directors of Development, and other key positions. We understand that effective fundraising is the lifeblood of many organizations, driving impactful initiatives and ensuring sustained growth.


Impact through Marketing and Communications: Woodhouse Search specializes in driving organizational success through strategic searches for marketing and communications leaders. We recognize the pivotal role of these functions in shaping an organization's brand, driving engagement, and fostering meaningful connections with stakeholders.

We excel in placing leaders in key marketing and communications roles, including Chief Marketing Officers (CMO), Directors of Marketing, Communications Managers, and other vital positions. We understand that effective marketing and communications are integral to organizational visibility, reputation management, and achieving strategic goals.

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Empowering Advancement Services and Technology Leadership: Woodhouse Search is committed to strategic searches for leaders in advancement services and technology. Recognizing the pivotal role of technology in advancing fundraising, data management, and organizational efficiency, we specialize in placing dynamic leaders in roles that drive technological innovation.

We excel in placing leaders in key advancement services and technology roles, including Chief Technology Officers (CTO), Directors of Advancement Services, Database Administrators, and other vital positions. We understand that leveraging technology and data is fundamental to optimizing fundraising efforts, enhancing donor relationships, and achieving strategic goals.